Sunday, November 4, 2012

i have to let you go... i'm sorry...

to you mr.mnh,:
 u are the great guy i've met.. u r very kind, caring and good person.. u look so perferct to me but im sorry i have to let u go.. its okay if u hate me, i'll accept it even that thing make me crying,,,.. i let you go bcoz i dont want hurt you anymore.. i know its my fault to let u go, but i have to do it... i know u will happy without me, even u want to further ur stdy ryte? so i hope u will stdy hard for your future.. i know u will found someone who much more better than me.. i'm sure she is more suitable for u... from deep in my heart, i'm sorry because i'm hurting you...
im sorry because my broken english.. i hope u will be happy.. im sorry...  


  1. yes mr.mnh here..
    u also great gurl i meet. u also kind.caring and lovely good personality.. u r perfect for me?? itk ok. i will accepted. ucan let me go. not if,cuz i never hate u. i am sorry for make u crying after i said it.. u never hurting me for what u done.its not ur fault.. but why must u do??
    i never happy when u went away. i need u to giving me advices for my study and i will stady hard and smart.
    how did u know i would found a better girl than u..are u sure she the one will suits for me? u are sorry for what u do to me.. will i be happy.. i am sorry too cuz not have a time to see u always.. from deep in my heart u are sorry will we be back together.. i hope soon

    1. all your words, make me crying.. i dont know why.. im sorry, i did not strong enough... :'(
